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Open position in the quantum dot & photonic nanostructures group


Postdoctoral position / Proposition de post-doc

No proposition at this time


PhD THESIS / Proposition de thèse

No proposition at this time


Internship / Proposition de stage

No proposition at this time


We are always interested by receiving motivated applications for:
internship ("stage" in French) - thesis - post-doctoral research

Contacts : Xavier Checoury / Moustafa El Kurdi / Mélanie Lebental / Sebastien Sauvage : firstname.name arobace c2n.upsaclay.fr (no accent)

The positions above are opened in the quantum dot group at the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (C2N), University of Paris Saclay in Palaiseau, south of Paris.

(Old positions here for internal reference)