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                Quantum dot & photonic nanostructures group people

Sébastien SAUVAGE is a permanent researcher at CNRS since October 1999. He received his PhD thesis at the University of Paris-Orsay in March 1999 on the "Infrared properties of semiconductor InAs/GaAs quantum dots" and then had a Post-Doc position at France Telecom CNET before joining IEF at Orsay and then now C2N in Palaiseau. His research tackles the optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures, in particular for quantum information and telecommunication devices. He is the author of the 3D numerical code JAVEL which solves the strain-dependent Schrödinger equation in 8 band k.p theory. X92. HDR. DR2.

Publications [pdf, 630 kibibytes]

ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0001-8132-1372
Bureau du pôle 5 Nanophysique de Paris-Saclay here
Sous-projet phare du LabEx NanoSACLAY here

Some of my personal internet projects:
Various illustrations with my CrystalLens

Simple Anonymous Votes: ADoodle.org
Where is the mass transportation RER B near the lab ? nanoRATP.org
Simple contract management nanoSIFAC

Moustapha EL KURDI was born in Paris in 1977. He received the M.S degree in physics from the university of Paris-Sud XI (Orsay) in 1999 and has been graduated in Material Science and Engineering. He received the Ph.D. degree in physics from the University of Paris XI,  Orsay, France in 2003. Since 2004, he is an associate professor at the University of Paris-Sud. His research interest concerns silicon and germanium photonics.
Xavier Checoury Xavier CHECOURY, received the engineer degree from the École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris, and the M.S. Degree from University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI, both in 1998. From 1999 to 2002, he was an R&D Engineer at EADS Telecom (Paris), a subsidiary of the European Aeronautic Defence and Space company (EADS). He received the Ph. D. degree in physics from the University of Paris-Sud in 2005. He was an associate professor from 2006 to 2012 and since then he is a full professor at the University Paris-Sud.
His main research interests are in the modeling, simulation, fabrication and characterization of photonic crystals in several semiconductors. His team at the C2N laboratory has recognized expertise in the fabrication, and characterization of linear and nonlinear properties of photonic crystal components based on silicon. In 2009, he obtained one of the two Chairs University Paris-Sud/CEA and started to develop the processing of photonic crystals in diamond at C2N in collaboration with CEA-LIST. 
Mélanie LEBENTAL is assistant professor in the physics department of Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris-Saclay (ENS Paris-Saclay). She develops an activity around organic micro-lasers to explore classical and quantum fundamental physics (quantum chaos, periodic orbits, diffraction) and imagine new devices. She has joined the group January 2022. A detailed description can be found at http://lptms.u-psud.fr/melanie_lebental_en/

Héctor Mauricio REYNOSO-DE-LA-CRUZ (Postdoc researcher) has joined the group to work on GeSn laser emission from April 2024 to May 2025. He obtained his PhD in Physics from the University of Guanajuato, Mexico in 2023, focusing on "Polymeric-based organic microlasers in 2D and 3D geometries". In 2022, he completed a 6-month internship with the group to advance the development of "Organic microlasers in 2D geometries" in collaboration with Paris-Saclay University.
Imene SI HADJ MOHAND (PhD student) has started a PhD 15 October 2021, after an internship April-August 2021, on "Integrated free electron acceleration on silicon". [->241015]
Elsa TURPIN (PhD student) has started a PhD 1st November 2021 on a "parametric source of photon pairs in the visible domain based on nitride technology."[->241031]

Maria Alejandra MENDEZ RINCON (PhD student), received the engineer degree from the Institut supérieur de l'électronique et du numérique ISEN,Toulon, in embedded systems and microelectronics in 2022. During her studies, she worked at the STMicroelectronics Electrical Characterization and Reliability laboratory (ECR) in Rousset, France, where she conducted a study on the degradation produced by program and erase cycles in non-volatile embedded memory (eNVM). She has started a PhD 1st October 2022 on a "GeSn laser source integrated on a silicon photonic plateform". [->250930]


Paul BAROUX (PhD student) has started a PhD 1st October 2022 to develop "Laser emission by electronic acceleration on a silicon plateform". He did an intership on that subject April-August 2022..[->30 September 2025]
Tan-Duy HO (PhD student) has started a PhD 1st December 2022 on non-classical source of light based on electronic acceleration in an integrated cavity..[->30 November 2025]

Antoine MEYER (PhD student) has started a PhD 2nd January 2023 on the "Optical gain in strained GeSn quantum heterostructure". Antoine Meyer has graduated from a double degree in nano-photonics and material science engineering at the University Technology of Troyes (UTT). He develops his PhD project with Moustafa El Kurdi as a supervisor, on lasers based on strained GeSn alloy, compatible with photonics on silicon technologies. His work mainly focuses on the feasibility of introducing quantum wells in semiconductor heterojunctions inside a GeSn micro-laser, and adding metamaterials to improve the optical gain..[->1 January 2026]

: https://www.linkedin.com/in/antoine-meyer-a5b908189

Antonin MACQUART (PhD student) has started a PhD 1st November 2023. He graduated in 2018 from the international master Nanotech, joint degree from Politecnico di Torino, Grenoble Institute of Technology and Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, focusing on micro and nanotechnologies for integrated systems. He then joined ams-OSRAM AG as an R&D Process Engineer for the fabrication of polymer micro and nano-optical components for consumer electronics and automotive industries (illumination and projection optics, structured light, flat optics and augmented-reality displays), specialising in soft and 3D-lithography techniques.
Since Nov. 2023, he is working with M. El-Kurdi on developping a "Silicon detector for the extended infrared based on a stressed GeSn alloy" as his PhD topic..[->31 October 2026]

: https://www.linkedin.com/in/antonin-macquart/

Hugo GIRIN (Internship) is a first-year student at CentraleSupélec. He has started a three-year long internship on February 2022 on “non-Euclidean photonics: microlasers and polarization”. The aim of the internship is to study the link between the form of surface-like 3D microlasers and the polarization of the emitted light.[->January 2025]
Nazire-Begum KAZKAL (Internship) has started a M1 internship 25 January 2024 on "[title-to-come]"..[->undefined date]
Élaé TERRIEN (Internship) has started a L3 internship 13 May 2024 on "[title-to-come]"..[->21 June 2024]
Correntin EGGENSPIELER (Internship) has started a L3 internship 13 May 2024 on "[title-to-come].[->21 June 2024]

fishman.jpg Guy FISHMAN was born in 1942 in Toulouse, France. He received his Doctorat d'Etat in 1974 on the study of optical pumping and spin relaxation of photoelectrons in GaAs. He has been working on exciton-polariton properties, more particularly in ZnSe and on semimagnetic semiconductors. He has been a visitor researcher in Bell labs in 1981 focusing on Coulomb matrix elements in quantum well heterostructures. He has joined the CNRS in 1966 and is director of research at CNRS since 1986. He has joined the IEF lab in 2000. His present research mainly deals with optical and transport properties in low dimensional heterostructures. He has coauthored over 40 publications, mainly in Physical Review B. He has published one book on the band structure of semiconductors. He is an external collaborator in the group as of 1st October 2019

Past collaborators
Maksym GROMOVYI (Postdoc researcher) is working on building an optical parametric oscillator integrated on a III-Nitrides platform since 1st October 2020 to March 30th 2024. He has joined CRHEA Valbonne 1st April 2024.
Claire-Mathilde STUCKI (Internship) has started a L3 internship 22 May 2023 on "2D Microlasers"[->30 June 2023]
Kevin BOSSEBOEUF (Internship) has started a L3 internship 22 May 2023 on "3D Microlasers"[->30 June 2023]
Stefano PIERINI (Post-doc) has done a one year post-doctoral project 17 May 2022 on the infrared nanospectroscoy of single doped nanocrystals.[->16 May 2023]
Émilie SAKAT is in "disponibility" since January 2023. She is a CNRS researcher since 2016, from Laboratoire Charles Fabry (LCF) at Palaiseau, and an external collaborator at C2N since mi-January 2019. She received her PhD thesis in 2013 on the « Spectral filtering in the midinfrared based on subwavelength gratings ». She obtained the Airbus Foundation’s award for her PhD. Then, she did a postdoc at Politecnico di Milano, where she was involved in a project aiming at using heavily-doped semiconductors for a plasmonic platform. One goal was to retrieve the optical properties of epitaxially grown n-Ge layers at IR frequency, beyond the assumption of the Drude model. She was also involved in a project with the Molecular Foundry in Berkeley dedicated to the fabrication and the characterization of an AFM tip apex functionalized with epitaxially grown n-Ge. Finally, she did a postdoc at LCF on thermal emission before entering at CNRS. Her current research aims at retrieving the mid-IR optical properties of heavily-doped semicondutor nanocrystals.
Key words : Plasmonics, Metasurfaces, Heavily-doped semiconductors, Infrared, Near-Field microscopy


Arthur LE ROUX (Internship) has had an internship 7 March 2022 - 8 August 2022 on "Quantum effects in electron acceleration integrated on silicon."[->8 August 2022]
Oleh IVASHTENKO (Internship) has had an intership February 2022 - June 2022 on "3D microlasers".[->June 2022]
Andjekika BJELAJAC (Postdoc) has done a postdoc research work 1st March 2021 on Germanium Tin Microlasers. She received the PhD degree in May 2016 in materials science and engineering at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of technology and metallurgy, after finishing a FAME Erasmus Mundus master program in Grenoble at INPG. Her previous post doc was at Ecole polytechnique in Palaiseau, where she worked on photocatalytic active thin films with different transition metal oxides and sulfides supported on carbon nanotubes forests. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andjelika-Bjelajac. [->220228]
Binbin WANG (Postdoc) has done a postdoc research work 1st October 2019 on Silicon photonics using direct band gap group IV elements as emitters. He received the PhD degree in May 2019 on "Graphene-based optical modulator in an integrated plasmonic structure on silicon photonics" at the University of Technology of Troyes in France. [-> 201231]

Farsane TABATABA-VAKILI (PhD) has done her PhD 1st October 2016 on the developement of III-nitride-on-silicon microdisk lasers for a nanophotonic platform. She is investigating electrical injection in microdisk lasers and optical properties of lasers utilising 2D materials as active region. Part of her research will take place at CEA INAC in Grenoble. She has defended her PhD at C2N 24 September 2020 on "III-nitrides on silicon: a platform for integrated photonics from the ultraviolet to the near-infrared".

Before coming to France Farsane has done an internship at PARC, a Xerox Company in Palo Alto, California for 1.5 years and she received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in physics at Technische Universitaet Berlin (TU Berlin).


Philippe BOUCAUD is now at CHREA, since 1st January 2018

Philippe Boucaud is since 1993 a permanent research associate at the French National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS). He is currently working at Institut d'Electronique Fondamentale which he has joined in 1988. He has been a post-doctoral fellow at France Telecom CNET in 1992 where he has been working on the growth and optical properties of SiGeC heterostructures. He has been a visiting researcher at the university of California Santa Barbara during 1999. His current research focuses on nanophotonics, silicon photonics, germanium photonics, UV and near infrared devices, photonic crystals and self-assembled quantum dots. He has led the "Nanophotonics and ultrafast Electronics" research group at IEF from 2001 to 2011. He has received his master in solid state physics in 1987 and his PhD on optical non-linearities in semiconductor quantum wells in 1992 at the university of Paris 11. He has coauthored over 200 articles in the field of semiconductor heterostructures and photonics. He is Senior Research Associate at CNRS since 2004 (DR1 since 2010).

Publication list of Philippe Boucaud (pdf) @ 1st January 2018
ResearcherId View profile on ResearcherID


Léonard MONNIELLO (Post-doc) is now working in our group on diamond photonic cyrstals for biosensing and non linear optics, since 1st April 2017 . Léonard has defended his PhD in 2015 at the Institut des Nanostructures de Paris (INSP) at the University of Paris Sorbonne. He worked on "resonant excitation of single quantum dots for non classical state of light emission". After that he did a 2 years post-doc at Laboratoire Charles Coulomb at University of Montpellier on the optical imaging and spectroscopy of single carbon nanotubes.


Riazul AREFIN (Internship) has started an internship from 9 February 2019 on germanium-tin laser source on silicon. He is working on the simulation of the whispering gallery modes of Germanium-based disks as well as optical characterization of different light emitters based on Germanium and Tin, subjected to tensile strain. Also, he is pursuing his master in Erasmus Mundus Molecular nano and Biophotonics (Monabiphot) program. Before starting this internship, he did another internship in International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory in Portugal where he worked on fabrication and characterization of LEDs based on perovskite and quantum dots.

Mohamed CHAIBI (Post-doc) has been working on developing photonic crystal based filters for radiofrequency applications, since 1st November 2017. He was born in Gafsa, Tunisia in 1989. In 2012, he received the telecommunications engineering degree from the Higher School of Communication of Tunis (SUP'COM). In November 2015, he completed a Ph.D. on dual-modulated EML transmitters in the Communications and  Electronics department of Telecom Paristech. He joined FOTON-CNRS Laboratory for almost two years as postdoctoral researcher to develop new optical transmitters based on the integration of III-V materials on a silicon platform in the framework of the European SEQUOIA project. His research interests are in the area of advanced optical devices for telecommunication systems and networks. 

Petru BORTA Petru BORTA (PhD) has started his PhD 15 October 2015 on the realization of a diamond photonic crystal label-free biosensor. He has defended his PhD work 9th January 2019 entitled "Diamond photonic crystals for the realization of innovative biosensors".
Anas ELBAZ Anas ELBAZ (PhD) has started his PhD 1st January 2016 on germanium or germanium-tin laser structures. He has defended his PhD work 4th April 2019 entitled "Sicilon compatible direct band gap Ge and GeSn laser sources ".

Li ZHAO (Internship) has started an internship from 22 May 2018, to 7 September 2018, on the GHz auto-oscillations in silicon photonic crystals for microwave photonics.

Yijia ZENG

Thi Mo TRAN (Internship) has started an Master 2 internship from 1st February 2017 to 20th July 2017 on nitride nanophotonic plateform.

Yijia ZENG
Yijia ZENG (PhD) has started her PhD 1st October 2013 on non-linear optics in nitride photonic crystals. She has defended her PhD thesis 22 March 2017 with the title Photonic crystal and microdisk based III-nitride photonic circuits.
Abdelhamid GHRIB Iännis ROLAND (Post-doc) did a Post-doc between 1st November 2012 and 31 December 2015 and from 18 April 2016 to 15 December 2016 on "Nitride material processes for nanophotonics".
Gregory MOILLE Grégory MOILLE (Post-Doc) has worked in our group from 1st February 2016 to 16 December 2016 on the all-optical sampling of hyperfrequency signals with a nanophotonic approach.

Dr. Zheng HAN has received his PhD degree at Paris Sud University in 2010 (25 november 2010) on "Silicon-based photonic crystal Raman Laser". He has worked on an industrial research project in collaboration between Institut d'Electronique Fondamentale (IEF) and Thales Research & Technology (TRT) on "Silicon-based photonic integrated circuits for optical communications" from 2013 to 2015. He has received the French national associate-professor qualification in section 63 (Electronic, electric and photonic systems engineering) and section 28 (Condensed matters and materials), delivered by the French ministry of higher education and research in 2013. He is currently Laser production and characterization engineer in MirSense Company at Palaiseau, Paris area.

Mathias PROST (PhD) has started his PhD in January 2012. He has defended his PhD 6 March 2015 on "Electrical injection for a strained germanium laser".
Abdelhamid GHRIB Alessandro SURRENTE (Post-doc) did a Post-doc between 1st Septembre 2014 and 31 August 2015 on diamond photonic crystals for optomechanics.
Abdelhamid GHRIB Abdelhamid GHRIB (PhD) has started his PhD in October 2011. He has defended his PhD 8 December 2014 on the "Strain engineering in germanium cavities : towards an silicon integrated laser".
Candice Blin Candice BLIN (PhD) has started her PhD in November 2011. She has defended her PhD 23 January 2015 on the "Developement of diamond photonic crystals: modelling, technology and biosensor devices".
Laurent Haret Laurent HARET (PhD) has started his PhD October 2009. He has defended his PhD December 13th 2012 on a "Silicon photonic crystal detector using two photon non linear absorption".
Malo de Kersauson Malo de KERSAUSON (PhD) has started his PhD in October 2009. He has defended his PhD 26 June 2013 on "Towards a tensile strained n-doped germanium laser".
Nicolas CAZIER (PhD) has started his PhD in October 2010. He has defended his PhD 13 December 2013 on "Nonlinear optical effects of the third order in silicon photonic crystal cavities: High frequency self-induced oscillations and stimulated Raman scattering".
Ahmad DRISS Dac Trung NGUYEN (Post-doc) has started a Post-doc 1st January 2011 on "Low temperature photoacoustic nanospectroscopy of single semiconductor quantum dots" until 30 Sept. 2012.
Delphine Néel
Delphine NÉEL (Post-doc) has started a post-doc 18 January 2009.
Ahmad DRISS Ahmad DRISS (PhD) has started his PhD in October 2008 until 30/08/2011.
François François RÉVERET (Post-doc) has worked Sept 2009-August 2010 on the absorption nanospectroscopy of single InAs/GaAs quantum dots
Julien_Houel_image Julien HOUEL (PhD) has passed his PhD February 2009. He has worked on quantum dot polarons in optical cavities and single quantum dot nanospectroscopy.
Estelle Homeyer Estelle HOMEYER (Post-doc)

Estelle Homeyer has been post-doc from October 1st 2007 (1 year).
Ahmad DRISS Stéphane LAURENT (Post-doc)
Thi-Phuong Ngo Thi-Phuong NGO (PhD) has defended her PhD in February 2010 on photonic crystals on germanium-on-insulator.
Delphine Néel Weng FEN (PhD)
Frédéric BRAS (PhD)
Xiang LI (PhD)
Delphine Néel
Cécile KAMMERER (Post-doc)
Thomas BRUNHES (PhD)